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A Fly on the wall

It is freezing right now. I do not know how long I can continue to handle this freeze, but I finish my shift at 9:45, and it means I have two more hours to go. I just start working at the Academic Technology Network department at the beginning of this semester. I am a camera operator and audio controller in broadcasting classrooms. Everything is still new and so fresh for me. However, I enjoy my job so far. Can you imagine sitting where I am sitting right now and watching multiple TVs at the same time? Well, that is my job. In front of my eyes, there are four smallest monitors that I’ve ever seen. They are all black and white monitors, and each of them will screen different shots as well as different angles in the classroom. For example, both monitor number one and two show a professor on … Continue reading

My Favorite Writing

I am thinking of the news, blogs, articles, and books that I have read to decide which piece of  a writing that me like best. However, I couldn’t recall any of them, which makes me upset about myself. Therefore, I browsed the web and found an article entitled “Explanation: How brain training can make you … Continue reading